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Moussi D., Luczak C. (2020). La gestion de l’hétérogénéité des élèves par des enseignants débutants : quand la recherche devient professionnalisante…   Spirale, n°65 (2) « Former des enseignants inclusifs » : 25-38.


Luczak C. (2019) Oiseaux communs des campagnes. Le constat dans le Nord et le Pas-de-Calais. Le Courrier de la Nature, numéro spécial : 58-61. [PDF]

Saulnier E., Brind’Amour A., Tableau A., Rufino M.M., Dauvin J.-C., Luczak C., Le Bris H. (2019) Seasonality in coastal macrobenthic biomass and its implications for estimating secondary production using empirical models. Limnology & Oceanography, 64 : 935-949. [PDF]


Spilmont N., Hachet A., Faasse M.A., Jourde J., Luczak C., Seuront L., Rolet C. (2018) First records of Ptilohyale littoralis (Amphipoda: Hyalidae) and Boccardia proboscidea (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from the coast of the English Channel: habitat use and coexistence with other species Mar. Biodiv. 48 (2) : 1109–1119. [PDF]

Beaugrand G.,  Luczak C.,  Goberville E.,  Kirby R.R.  (2018) Marine biodiversity and the chessboard of life. PLoS ONE 13 (3): e0194006. [PDF]

Dubois P.J., Luczak C., Reeber S. (2018) Analyse tendancielle de 43 espèces occasionnelles en France (1981-2015). Ornithos 25 (5) : 249-289. [PDF]


Goberville E., Hautekèete N.C., Kirby R.R., Piquot Y., Luczak C.,  Beaugrand G (2016) Climate change and the ash dieback crisis. Scientific Report 6: 35303. DOI : 10.1038/srep35303. [PDF]


Raybaud V., Beaugrand G., Dewarumez J.-M., Luczak C. (2015) Looking for warmth: potential changes in the geographical range of the introduced species Ensis directus in Europe. Biol. Invasions, 17(2): 725-741. [PDF]

Hautekèete N. C., Frachon L., Luczak C., Toussaint B., Van Landuyt W., Van Rossum F., Piquot Y.(2015) Habitat type shapes long-term plant biodiversity budgets in two densely populated regions in north-western Europe. Diversity and Distributions, 21: 631–642 [PDF]

Goberville E., Beaugrand G., Hautekèete N. C., Piquot Y., Luczak C. (2015) Uncertainties in the projection of species distributions related to general circulation models. Ecology and Evolution, 5(5): 1100-1116. [PDF]

Rolet C., Spilmont N., Davoult D., Goberville E., Luczak C. (2015) Anthropogenic impact on a macrobenthic community and consequences for shorebirds: a complex response. Biological conservation, 184: 396-404 [PDF]

Rolet C., Spilmont N., Dewarumez J.-M., Luczak C. (2015)  Linking macrobenthic communities structure and zonation patterns on sandy shores: mapping tool toward management and conservation perspectives in Northern France. Continental Shelf Research 99: 12-25. [PDF]

Cadiou B. & les coordinateurs régionaux, coordinateurs départementaux* et coordinateurs-espèce, (2015). 5ème recensement des oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (2009-2012). Ornithos 22(5) : 233-257.   (* C. Luczak, coordinateur départemental 62). [PDF]


Beaugrand G., Goberville E., Luczak C, Kirby RR. (2014) Marine biological shifts and climate. Proc. R. Soc. B 281 (1783): 20133350. [PDF]

Rolet C., Spilmont N., Ward A., Luczak C. (2014) Les limicoles hivernants sur le littoral Nord – Pas-de-Calais : vers une typologie d’occupation de l’espace en lien avec les ressources alimentaires. Le Héron 47(1): 1-22. [PDF]



Rombouts I., Beaugrand G., Artigas L.F., Dauvin J.-C., Gevaert F., Goberville E., Kopp D.., Lefebvre S., Luczak C., Spilmont N., Travers M., Villanueva C.M. & Kirby R.R (2013)  Evaluating marine ecosystem health: case studies of indicators using direct observations and modelling methods. Ecological Indicators.24: 353-365. [PDF]

Chaalali A, Chevillot X, Beaugrand G, David V, Luczak C, Boët P, Sautour B (2013) Changes in the zooplankton community distribution in the Gironde estuary: a marinisation consequence? Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science. 54: 301-306. [PDF]

Luczak C., Menu D., Rolet, C. (2013a) A multilevel core sampler device to directly estimate food supply accessible to waders. Open Journal of Marine Science 3: 52-64. [PDF]

Luczak C, Beaugrand G, Lindley J.A, Dewarumez J-M, Dubois PJ, Kirby RR (2013b) Population dynamics in lesser black-backed gulls in the Netherlands support a North Sea regime shift. Biology letters 9: 20130127. [PDF]

Seuront L, Luczak C (2013) A life of systemic thinking: a tribute to Serge Frontier. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 54: 301-306 [PDF]

Jaffré M., Beaugrand G., Goberville E., Jiguet F., Kjellen N., Troost G., Dubois P.J., Leprêtre A. Luczak C. (2013) Long-term phenological shift in raptor migration and climate. PLoS ONE  8(11): e79112. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079112.  [PDF]  [Sup. Mat.]

Jaffré M., Luczak C., Beaugrand G., De Smet G., Delaloye G., Dubois P.J., Jiguet F., Urcun J.P. (2013) Les sites de suivi de la migration active en France : état des lieux en 2011 et enjeux de conservation. Ornithos 20(2) : 76-106. [PDF]


Luczak C., Spilmont N. (2012) Are the eastern and western basins of the English Channel two separate ecosystems? Some cautionary comment to get back in line. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64: 1318-1319. [PDF]

Luczak C., Beaugrand G., Lindley J.A., Dewarumez J.-M., Dubois P.J., Kirby R.R. (2012) North Sea ecosystem change from crabs to seagulls. Biology letters 8: 821-824.  [PDF]

Godet L., Luczak C (2012). Changement climatique et limicole côtiers en hiver. In: Triplet P. ed. Manuel d’étude et de gestion des oiseaux et de leurs habitats en zone côtière. Æstuaria collection Paroles des Marais Atlantique, pp 687-704.; ISBN: 978-2952851299 [PDF]

the book (in french) can be freely downloaded here


Luczak C, Beaugrand G, Jaffré M & Lenoir S (2011) Climate change impact on Balearic shearwater through trophic cascade. Biology Letters 7: 702-705  [PDF]

Luczak C, Godin J, Vanappelghem C (2011) Intérêt des listes d’espèces des Naturalistes du XIXe – XXe siècles: le cas du Nord – Pas-de-Calais, de l’ère Giard (XIXe siècle) à l’ère Kérautret (XXe siècle). In: Schmitt FG (ed) Observation des écosystèmes marins et terrestres de la Côte d’Opale: du naturalisme à l’écologie. U.O.F., Paris, pp 147-156; ISBN : 978-2951062542 [PDF]

the book can be ordered here

Jaffré M, Glippa O, Luczak C (2011) Naissance d’un phoque veau-marin (Phoca vitulina) dans le port de Boulogne-sur-Mer. Le Héron 44(1) : 29-36.


Lindley A, Beaugrand G, Luczak C, Dewarumez J-M, Kirby R (2010) Warm-water decapods and the trophic amplification of climate in the North Sea. Biology Letters 6: 773-776 [PDF[Sup. Mat.]

Henslow’s swimming crab, Polybius henslowii, a warm water species whose larvae have been discovered in the North Sea plankton.  (Photograph by Richard Kirby)

Gevaert F, Migné A, Luczak C, Davoult D (2010) Biometrics in marine benthic ecology. In: Schuster H, Metzger W (eds) Biometrics: methods, applications and Analyses. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp 57-89 ISBN: 978-1608764129 [PDF]

the book can be ordered here


Spilmont N, Denis L, Artigas F, Caloin F, Courcot L, Creach A, Desroy N, Gevaert F, Hacquebart P, Hubas C, Janquin M-A, Lemoine Y, Luczak C, Migné A, Rauch M, Davoult D (2009) Impact of Phaeocystis globosa spring bloom on the intertidal benthic compartment in the eastern English Channel: a synthesis. Mar Poll Bull 58:55-63  [PDF]

Beaugrand G, Luczak C, Edwards M (2009) Rapid biogeographical plankton shifts in the North Atlantic Ocean. Global Change Biology 15:1790-1803  [PDF]

Caloin F, Luczak C (2009) A quand l’installation de la fauvette pitchou Sylvia undata dans le Nord – Pas-de-Calais ? Le Héron 41:147-151


Beaugrand G, Edwards M, Brander K, Luczak C, Ibanez F (2008) Causes and projections of abrupt climate-driven ecosystem shifts in the North Atlantic. Ecology Letters 11:1157-1168. [PDF]  [ Sup. Mat.]

# F1000 prime recommandation (N. Yoccoz, 22/10/2008)

# G. Beaugrand & M. Edwards were recipient of the ‘University of Oslo Inspiration Awards’  in marine ecology for this paper. 4 octobre 2012  in Helsinki.          

# Results highlighted by the EU :  “North Atlantic ecosystems under threat at “critical” sea temperature” in European Commission DG ENV, News Alert Issue 133, December 2008.


Louvrier L, Masquelier J, Lemoine G, Godin J, Luczak C (2007) La reproduction du Crapaud calamite (Bufo calamita Laurenti, 1768) sur les friches minières du site de Chabaud-Latour (59, SE – E10,08). Le Héron 40:11-22


Marzec L & Luczak C (2005) Statut des Limicoles hivernants sur le littoral Nord-Pas-de-Calais (1988-2003). AVES 42:21-33 [PDF]

Luczak C, Godin J (2005)  3- L’avifaune. Un moyen de caractérisation des zones humides. In: PNRZH (ed) cahiers thématiques. Caractérisation des zones humides. brgm, agence de l’eau, MEDD, pp 21-25 [PDF]

the complete booklet (in french) can be downloaded here


Dubois PJ & Luczak C (2004) Limicoles néarctiques en France : une synthèse. Ornithos 11:214-229 [PDF]


Luczak C (2003) Synthèse des observations ornithologiques de l’automne 1998 et de l’hiver 1998-1999. – Limicoles. Le Héron 35: 29-33.


Vincent D, Luczak C, Sautour B (2002) Effects of a brief climatic event on zooplankton community structure and distribution in Arcachon Bay (France). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 82:21-30  [PDF]


Luczak C (2001) Les changements à long terme de la diversité spécifique dans les séries macrobenthiques subtidales : quelle interprétation? Exemple du site de Gravelines (Baie sud de la Mert du Nord). Océanis 25:377-393

Ghertsos K, Luczak C., Dauvin J-C (2001) Identification of global and local components of spatial structure of marine benthic communities: example from the Bay of Seine. Journal of Sea Research 45:63-77 [PDF]

Amara R, Faffargue P, Dewarumez J-M, Maryniak C, Lagardere F., Luczak C (2001) Feeding ecology and growth of 0-group flatfish (sole, dab and plaice) on a nursery ground (Southern Bight of the North Sea). Journal of Fish Biology 58:788-803 [PDF]


Ghertsos K, Luczak C, Dewarumez J-M & Dauvin J-C (2000) Influence of spatial scales of observation on temporal change in diversity and trophic structure of fine-sand communities from the English Channel and the southern North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57:1481-1487 [PDF]


Davoult D, Dewarumez J-M, Luczak C., Migné A (1999) Nouvelles signalisations d’espèces benthiques sur les côtes françaises de la Manche orientale et de la Mer du Nord. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 40:121-127 [PDF]

Luczak C., Mouton J. (1999) Statut du Fuligule nyroca Aythya nyroca dans la région Nord – Pas-de-Calais. Le Héron 32: 11-20.

Luczak C. (1999) Les Limicoles nicheurs dans le Nord – Pas-de-Calais. Distribution des effectifs et milieux utilisés en 1996. Esquisse de l’évolution des populations. Le Héron 32: 34-55.


Luczak C, Janquin M-A, Kupka A (1997) Simple standard procedure for the routine determination of organic matter in marine sediment. Hydrobiologia 345:87-94 [PDF]


Luczak C, Dewarumez J-M, Essink K (1993) First record of the American jack knife clam Ensis directus on the French coast of the North Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 73:233-235 [PDF]


Luczak C, Dewarumez J-M (1992) Note on the identification of Ensis directus (Conrad, 1843). Cahiers de Biologie Marine 33:515-518. [PDF]